From the Owner

Articles By Scott Osher

The best of times / The worst of times

The best of times / The worst of times

Depending on your view, these are either the best of times, or the worst of times. Even with increasing interest and homeowners insurance rates, housing prices continue to go up in Florida.

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Are We Closing Tomorrow?

The moving truck is in the driveway and the call comes in…You’re not closing tomorrow. Dead silence followed by internal rage. How did this happen? Who is responsible? Why am I finding this out now?

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But My Neighbor Got….

“But my neighbor got 2%!” No they didn’t; really, they didn’t. Bankers and brokers do not make “interest rates”, besides the macro economics of it, the individual does.

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Consumer Protection Financial Bureau (CPFB)

The Consumer Protection Financial Bureau (CPFB) is an agency designed to protect consumers by regulating certain aspects of lending, from credit cards, to mortgages.

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CFPB Pushes For Elimination Of ‘GSE Patch

Anyone that is a client of the firm knows from following me that there is a hard deadline coming down the pike that will have a tremendous affect on consumers ability to purchase or refinance their homes.

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