Are you tired of the high monthly payments you’ve been dealing with in regards to your mortgage? Mortgage rates change constantly, so looking into refinancing your loan could help you save a considerable amount of money. There are many things to take into consideration if you’re thinking that refinancing could be beneficial for you. Our mortgage loan brokers at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. have the knowledge and expertise to help you when deciding if refinancing makes sense.
With mortgage rates constantly changing, your current rate could have you paying a lot more than you should be. Refinancing to get out of your old rate and into a lower rate could help you save a lot of money in the future. If you are currently in a 30 year mortgage but can now afford to pay a little bit more per month, refinancing to a 15 or 20 year mortgage could be a good option. Refinancing to a 15 or 20 year mortgage is a great way to pay off your house sooner if you can afford it.
If you’re credit score has improved since you first bought your home, you could get a lower rate when you refinance. You may qualify for better rates which in turn would lower your monthly payments. If you have a variable rate, refinancing to get a fixed rate could substantially lower your payments. Having a fixed rate mortgage can give you a certain piece of mind knowing your rate won’t spike.
There are many reasons why refinancing could be a great option for you. Our brokers deal with many different types of mortgage loans, including Fannie Mae, VA, FHA, HARP and many more. Each mortgage for every home is different, so if you think refinancing could help you save money, contact out mortgage brokers at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. to see if refinancing makes sense for you. Call Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. today at (954) 777-4774 to schedule a free consultation and find out if refinancing your mortgage is in your best interest.