As the New Year approaches, many people are starting to consider their New Year’s resolutions. In 2016, what will your New Year’s resolution be? While starting off the year on a new foot with a goal in mind can help you reach your goals, you might not be choosing the most beneficial resolution. At Ace Mortgage Loan Corp., we know that one neglected New Year’s resolution doesn’t involve diets, new styles or outward lifestyle changes. Instead, one of the most beneficial New Year’s resolutions pertains to your home financing in Pompano. If you’re stuck with an old mortgage that’s making home ownership unaffordable, it’s time to see how a mortgage lender in Pompano from our team at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. can help. Your New Year’s resolution should be to find a new mortgage, and we’re here to help.
There are many reasons that your current mortgage can be making home ownership less affordable than desired. One of the biggest factors is the rate of the mortgage, which is set by your credit score and many factors out of your control. For example, if your home financing in Pompano was set before the housing bubble burst of 2007-2008, you might be paying old rates on your mortgage. Today’s mortgage rates are always changing, but they’re still close to historic lows. So, refinancing your mortgage to today’s current rates may help you reach your goals of better financial control in 2016.
If your New Year’s resolution is to spend wisely, then our team at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. is here to help. A mortgage lender in Pompano from our team can help you understand your opportunities for mortgage refinancing through reliable programs and steps. For example, the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) can bring your mortgage rates to more realistic numbers, lowering your mortgage payments. You may also be able to work with a mortgage lender in Pompano to alter your mortgage’s duration and payment schedule for more affordable monthly payments.
As 2015 nears its end, there are many things that people are leaving behind as they start the New Year. At Ace Mortgage Loan Corp., we think that your old mortgage rates should also be left behind. Home ownership doesn’t have to keep emptying your wallet, our team is here to help you reassess your home financing in Pompano to see opportunities for refinancing. A refinanced mortgage can increase affordability and make home ownership easier. Make 2016 the year you take back control of your mortgage. Call our mortgage experts at (954) 777-4774 to get started.