3 Clues You Should Refinance Your Mortgage

Mortgage Services Pompano Beach, FL | Mortgage Loan | Refinancing

Where we are in life when we close on our homes compared to years later is very different. Some of us find that we are in better financial situations and can pay off our mortgage much quicker. Sometimes, our financial situation is the same, but we realize our interest rates have significantly dropped. 


Whichever scenario you find yourself in, refinancing your mortgage loan can sometimes benefit you. Here at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp., we can assist you with refinancing your mortgage loan in Pompano Beach, FL. In the meantime, here are three signs that it might be time for you to refinance your mortgage loan.


An Improved Credit Score and Financial History

One thing that lenders focus on during the mortgage loan process is your credit score. This score tells lenders how you handle money and what your financial history is. Now, it may seem like an unfair judge of character, especially if you were once in debt and now debt-free. However, it’s the only thing lenders can go off of. 

With that in mind, you may get to borrow less or have higher interest rates as a result. But, on the bright side, as your credit score goes up, the more trusting you appear. Lenders will see this and take note of your financial responsibility. 


You can then refinance your mortgage loan and get lower interest rates, saving you a boatload of money. If your credit score has improved lately, it may be a good idea to speak more with our team at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. Our mortgage services in Pompano Beach can help you decide if refinancing is a good decision.


You Can Get a Lower Interest Rate

Not everyone has the option to get a lower interest rate; however, if you bought your home a long time ago, you might qualify. Various factors go into getting a lower interest rate, and as mentioned above, your credit score is one of them. 


Sometimes, the interest rate is lower as a result of the housing market. Some people might be telling you that the interest rates are climbing right now. But when you look at the interest rates now compared to five or ten years ago, you will see that they are low. The best thing to do is learn more about your situation and, if paying a lower rate is an option for you. 


If so, our team at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. can help you refinance. Our mortgage services include refinancing and offering general mortgage loan advice. If you are unsure if you can get a lower interest rate, we can help you out.


Your ARM Adjusted and Increased Costs

An ARM (adjustable-rate mortgage) guarantees a fixed rate that is typically low. However, this rate is only low for a short timeframe. Eventually, this timeframe is up, and your interest rate will become aligned with the standard for your situation. 


Added to this will be whatever you agreed to after the lender has evaluated your credit score. The ARM fixed rate may have seemed great at first. But fast forward to the rate adjusting, and you may end up paying a significantly high amount for your mortgage. 


If you are looking to reduce the cost, refinancing could help. However, the only way to know for certain is to ask the experts. Our team at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. can review your situation and see if refinancing can save you money.


Reach Out Today For Mortgage Services in Pompano Beach!

If you think you could be paying too much for your mortgage, it may be a good idea to consider refinancing. Many people dismiss refinancing immediately, assuming it’s a trap. However, in some cases, it can benefit a lot of people. 


It all depends on your unique situation and how much you are paying. The best way to know for certain if refinancing is right for you is to set up a meeting or call our team. Here at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp., we have mortgage services designed to help you. To learn more, reach out to us at (954) 371-2165, we’re happy to help!

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