Finding a good loan can help you save thousands over the life of your loan. Depending on the loan and interest rate you get can have a big influence on how much your mortgage payment is each month. Are you in the market for a new home and looking to secure a good mortgage? Do you think your current rate is too high and think refinancing could be the best option for you? At Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. we can help you with all of your mortgage questions. Mortgages can be complicated and having assistance from a professional broker can make all the difference. Don’t play a guessing game with your mortgage, make sure you get the best financial advice in Plantation with our brokers at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp.Â
If you’re a first time lender or don’t have much experience with mortgage rates you may not know what factors into getting a good rate. Our professionals at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. can help walk you through this process and teach you what will factor into you getting the best rate possible. Traditional mortgages require a downpayment of 20%, but you can apply for a loan with down payments of 10 or 15%. While your monthly mortgage payments will be higher, this can be a better option for those who can’t afford the 20% down payment. Some other things that can factor into the mortgage rate you receive include:
- Your credit score
- Your monthly household income
- Your monthly bills
- Your current debts
- How much you can afford for your down payment
These will all factor into the rate you receive when applying for a home loan. In Plantation, you can get assistance from our team at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. We’re here to help explain any questions you may have about the mortgage process, and also to help you secure the best loan for your financial situation.
Financing or refinancing a loan can help you save a lot of money if you secure a loan with a good interest rate. While there are many different loans you can choose from there are certain loans that will be better for you than others. If you’re ready to buy a new home or you think refinancing your current mortgage could help save you money, contact our team at Ace Mortgage Loan Corp. today at (954) 777–4774.